







Your partner for

We are offering efficient services for technology-driven research, development and innovation.
For organisations, research institutions and public authorities.
And for the people who work there.

is your success
of the future.

For us everything revolves around your future success in business.
Development of new technologies. Innovative products. Creative technical concepts. Effective RTD teams. Strategic approaches for research and innovation. And the know-how and the momentum to make key topics and core competences fit for tomorrow‘s challenges.

We support our customers and partners to be ready for the demands of the future. From the first idea to the marketable product. For a specific development step or for the entire journey. For a singular effort or a methodical innovation program. In the frame of a multi-partner-project or in confidential dialogue. For a sprint or as a long-term strategy.

Our services

Creativity & Technology

You want to initiate a research or innovation project, realise a concrete innovation idea or put a new product on the market?


Strategy & Future

You want to develop the topic “innovation “systematically, keep your products competitive, or increase your value-added share?


Knowledge & Impulse

You want to strengthen key competences and prepare your organisation and your staff for the challenges of the future?


Our main points of focus

Innovation for SMEs

Support for small and medium-sized enterprises – from the fundamental requirements for successful innovation to the prototype.

Technical collaboration in RTD

Efficient team work in interdisciplinary, heterogeneous and distributed research and innovation activities.

Open Science & Open Innovation

More than just buzz words: how to exploit the advantages of the new digital openness without jeopardising your market position.

Policy and technology consulting

Analyses and studies on current status and trends in aviation research and technology development. For organisations, research institutions and policy makers.

Seminars, trainings and coaching

Our know-how at your finger tips – face to face or in a team setting: creativity, communication, cooperation, conflict management, resilience and more.

Our references

Great organisations we assisted in bringing research and innovation one step further

About us

Martin Spieck

Managing partner

Dr.-Ing. Martin "Seck" Spieck was almost born on an airfield. Since then, he is is intimately linked with aviation - both professionally and personally.
Curiosity and creativity were the driving forces behind a 15-year career as scientist and manager at the German Aersopace Center DLR. Since founding THELSYS in 2011, he is contributing his findings and experiences in research and innovation projects thoughout Europe.

Joachim Szodruch


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim "Joe" Szodruch dedicated his professional career to aviation research: as a manager at Airbus, member of the board at DLR, and now as partner at THELSYS.
In his private life though, he is an addict to water sports. Sailing or researching: he knows when to set sail, when to give some more lead and when to pull the line in order to make safe and quick progress when the going gets rough.

Our award-winning performance

ICAS 2018 Award

ICAS 2018 Award

In Belo Horizonte (Brazil), the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS) presented its 2018 award for outstanding research to the team of the European project AGILE.